A children's film is a film aimed for children as its audience. As opposed to a family film, no special effort is made to make the film attractive for other audiences. The film may or may not be about children. In Unshrinking the Kids: Children's Cinema and the Family Film which is a chapter in In Front of the Children ed. Cary Bazalgette and David Buckingham BFI (1995), Cary Bazalgette and Terry Staples argue that "Children's films can be defined as offering mainly or entirely a child's point of view" p.96.
Children's film can encourage younger members of the community to 'imitate the role models of the glamor industry'('Negative Influences of Media', Manali Oak, February 2010.) Oak argues that 'media often hypes the scintillating things about the celebrities' This may then cause children that have been exposed to this media to 'see only the negatives around them' Psychological effects are often seen in terms of 'people's outlook'. Oak concludes: 'While a certain amount of exposure to the ever-evolving media is essential for introducing ourselves to the world outside, an excessive one is detrimental to the overall well-being of society'.